November 2011 Chapter Event
Topic: UC Thermal Storage
When: November 17, 2011 - 4:30pm
Where: University of Cincinnati
UC Thermal Storage will be a joint meeting with the Association of Facilities Engineers to tour UC's new athletic practice facilities including their new indoor bubble. A thermal storage system is located under the half practice field to help reduce UC's peak electric demand by 5000 kW.
Meet at UC's new art piece at the intersection of West Charlton and Champions Way. This is very close to the East entrance of the Fifth Third Shoemaker Center. You can park on one of the side streets near campus or in one of the 2 pay lots very close-by. Directions below are to Calhoun Garage. After parking in Calhoun Garage, walk back down (west) on Corry, then left (north) on Champions to West Charlton.
Driving Directions
• From I-75 north or south in Cincinnati, take Hopple Street Exit
• Turn east on Hopple Street, which becomes Martin Luther King Drive east of Central Pkwy
• Climb Martin Luther King Drive up the hill, passing Clifton Avenue
• Turn right on Jefferson Ave, then right on Corry Blvd. Find Calhoun Garage on your left (between baseball and soccer fields)