Cincinnati’s Streetcars
Date: July 27, 2018 – 2pm
Location: SORTA’s Streetcar Maintenance & Operations Facility
1927 Race St, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-7721

AEE SW Ohio’s July 2018 meeting will be a visit to the MOF to learn about streetcar operations and to take a guided tour led by the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority’s (SORTA) Director of Rail Services, Paul Grether, AICP.
Cincinnati selected ‘CAF USA’ to provide up to 5 low-floor streetcars which are conventionally-powered via overhead wire. Each vehicle holds as many as 150 passengers. They travel a 3.6 mile loop route from Second Street (at The Banks on the riverfront) to Henry Street (just north of Findlay Market in Over the Rhine). Stops along the route are served by shelters designed by Cincinnati-based ‘DNK Architects’ to protect riders from the elements while they wait for the streetcar to arrive. The streetcars and stations are all 'Buy America' compliant - produced with at least 60% domestic content and assembled in the United States. The Cincinnati streetcars were assembled at CAF USA's facility in Elmira, New York.
Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA) manages the five ‘Cincinnati Bell Connector’ streetcars and has made sure that streetcar routes complement but not conflict with bus routes.
The ‘Maintenance & Operations Facility’ (MOF) at the north tip of the route (1927 Race Street) serves as the system’s base of operations where streetcar maintenance, repair and cleaning are done. The building is between Rhinegeist Brewery and Rookwood Pottery Company.